TCO ja Herqq - perseelleen meni

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Author:The chosen one, herqq, pishi
Creation date:13 august 2009
Description:Krzys on todellakin paskin pelaaja , and same in english: krzys is only one who can complete this. ^^ Made by The chosen one and herqq, modified by pishi
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WR history

Driver Date Time Somersaults
HeXeRMaN 10 february 2013 0:57:08 4
Cirpacha 10 february 2013 1:00:30 4
HeXeRMaN 18 january 2013 1:01:06 4
Cirpacha 8 january 2013 1:01:87 5
HeXeRMaN 3 october 2010 1:11:90 5
HeXeRMaN 24 february 2010 1:20:91 5
pishi 13 august 2009 1:27:43 5