Lothar's Artistic Attempt

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Creation date:25 january 2007
Description:This isnt really a level, but rather some kind of artistic image, so make sure you zoom all the way out, to see a big part of it, or maybe you'll discover some other way to see the whole image???
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WR history

Driver Date Time Somersaults
Jinnai 27 march 2012 1:56:09 10
Krzys1096 1 july 2011 1:57:89 8
Krzys1096 1 july 2011 2:01:83 7
ItaAl 1 july 2011 2:01:96 7
Krzys1096 5 january 2011 2:02:44 11
reebyte 12 april 2008 2:07:74 7
tichic 4 october 2007 2:15:39 4